Everybody loves to eat, and i myself loves it too.. But as i grow older i'm becoming more aware of what's going on in my body everytime i feel some pain or even some uncomfortable feeling i encounter every day of my life. I'm afraid to get sick and even too afraid to die young, and wanted to search for cures and even preventions to diseases and remedies to our daily bad habits in life. We love ourselves by taking care of our skin, teeth or in short from head to foot but we usually forgot to fix inside our body and think about mending it for a while in our daily basis. And maybe just maybe preventing some bad habits may save our health for a simple prevention methods we usually taken for granted :) . I hope you take this few tips how to get rid of the worst scenarios of our digestive system which is Parasites. And glad to share it ..
Raw Garlic – One of the number one ways to kill parasites. All effective parasite cleanses always include garlic.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Increase stomach acids with Apple Cider Vinegar prior to your meals. This will keep the stomach free of parasites and will also ensure that you will kill off any larvae you inadvertantly eat with your meals.
Pumpkin Seeds – Can help to get rid of tapeworms.
Pineapple – Contain an enzyme bromelain, that is anti-parisitic. A couple sources claim that a three day pineapple fast will kill tape worms.
Cranberry Juice (unsweetened) or Carrot Juice & Carrots – Cranberry juice can be diluted in water. Carrots the juice or the veggie eaten plain kills em as well.
Coconut Oil – Contains lauric acid which is found in coconut products. Coconut oil is about 50% comprised of this saturated fat which after converted by the body creates a substance that efficiently kills parasites, yeasts, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
Fennel Seed Tea – Is a mild laxative and can be an irritant to certain types of parasites.
8. Herbs: Cloves,Wormwood, Black walnut hull and husks – These herbs are always incorporated into an effective parasite cleanse and should be among the ingredients listed in the capsules you take daily from parasite cleanses that can be bought in health food stores. Cloves kills the parasite eggs that may be lingering in the intestinal tract. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill the adult and developmental stages of around 100 different types of parasites. All three are essential.
Pungent Spices – Spices such as: turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, chilis, horseradish, and cayenne, all make parasites run for cover.
Probiotics/ Fermented Foods – Some options that can be made at home include: sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) or drinking rejuvelac (a drink made from fermented grains such as wheat berries). You can also take probiotic supplements. These help to replenish good bacteria and kill the bad.